Overview of the overrides feature:

With Overrides, it's possible to schedule content to override your existing playlists. Scheduled overrides can be a single piece of content, or a playlist of multiple pieces of content. After the override content has finished playing, your screens will automatically revert back to showing their previously scheduled content.

You can display selected adverts on your screens at specific times, making it easy to meet requirements of third-party advertisers. Overrides simplifies the process by eliminating the need to frequently modify your playlists. With overrides, users can ensure that advertisements will play at the exact times that they are required to be shown. Override examples include displaying a 15 second promotional video once an hour every Monday to Friday, or displaying an alert message every Friday at 10am from 1st January to 31st May.

How to enable an override:

1. Within your NowSignage project, click into 'Schedules' then select 'Overrides':

2. Click 'Add Override+' and then select the content you wish to override your schedule with. This can either be an image, video or a full playlist:

3. Once the content is selected, you have various options for configuring your override:

  • Play from - Select the start/end date for the time period you wish to schedule your override for.
  • Start Time - Select the time of day you wish the override to appear from (00:00 is the default if you have no preference).
  • Duration (in seconds) - Only alter this field if you are displaying a single image override. If you select a video or playlist override then the duration will be pre-populated either with the full length of the video or the full length of the playlist.
  • Repeat on - Select the days of the week you wish your override to appear on (please ensure the days are relevant to the start/end dates you have selected).
  • Frequency (optional) - If you want a 'one off' override then you can leave this field blank. If you want your override to repeat in intervals then please enter in the frequency time then unit (minutes or hours). You can also enter in an optional override end time (if required).

Once you are happy with your configuration, click 'Next'.

4. Now select the screens you wish to apply the override on (you can search by screen name within this area):

Once you have selected the screens, click 'create trigger' to finalise the override.

5. Once you have created the override, you can view or edit your overrides within the 'overrides' tab which will provide a full list view of all the overrides you have created: