Playlist are essential and super easy to create! A playlist determines the order that your chosen assets will play.
For example, you may want ‘jpg1’ to play for 15 seconds followed by ‘video1’ for 10 seconds. By adding your assets into a playlist you decide which order your assets play and for how long they stay on screen.
Begin by navigating to to the left hand panel where you will see 'Playlists'
On the playlists screen, click ‘+ADD PLAYLIST' located in the top right, to build a new playlist for your saved assets. Also please note, you can use the view slider here (below the add playlist button) to change your view from tiles to a listed format depending on the users preference as seen below.
Once you have clicked on the add playlist button you will now you will be prompted to name your playlist .e.g. Morning or Weekend. You can also tag the playlist (this is optional, so can be left blank). Tagging a playlist is for restricting user access to view/edit the playlist please see the guides for tagging for more information):
Once you have named your playlist, click 'Submit' you will see your playlist appear at the top along with a confirmation message. You can now click on the name of your playlist to be taken to the playlist editing screen.
Now you can start creating your playlist by adding items within the right section of the screen. There are various filtering options as you can filter by asset type using the drop down (e.g. images, videos, live streams) and you can also search for your assets by their name or tag.
Once you have found the asset you'd like to add to your playlist, click add. You can also add multiple assets at once by using the tick boxes next to the add button.

You will now be given the option to alter the duration (in seconds) of the asset. This will default at 15 seconds for image assets and videos will default to the full length of the uploaded video (so this does not need altering if you are happy for the video to play in full).
Once you are happy with the duration, click 'add to playlist' and this will then be added to your playlist instantly. You can now repeat the process above to add as many assets as you like into the playlist.
If you wish to change the running order of your playlist at any point you can do so by simply clicking and dragging your asses to change their position in the playlist. you can also use the pencil icon to edit an asset or the bin icon to delete an asset.Once you are happy with the playlist, you can leave the playlist area as all changes will save automatically in real time.
If you then wanted to make any changes to the playlist, simply click on the name of the playlist and you will be taken back to the playlist editing screen where you can make any amendments and change the name by typing the the 'Name' field