
The Touch Hotspot on the NowSignage platform will allow users to set up a web page that can then be triggered by an end user that will divert them from the current running playlist of a screen to the URL.

Please note - If the Touch Hotspot feature is not available in your account, please contact support@nowsignage.com and we will enable this.

Compatible on: 

Currently only available on Android (V.3.1.3 onwards).

To enable this feature, please follow the guidance below:

- Once logged into your NowSignage account begin by going to the 'Apps' area of the platform:

- When you have entered the apps area, scroll down to find the 'Touch Hotspot' app

- Click on the app then 'Install App' to activate it:

- Once the app has been activated, click the icon and you will be taken to the screen below.

- Tick the 'Active' box (this will ensure the end user will see a 'button' to press to trigger the content)

- Enter the website URL you wish to be triggered.

- Set a timeout for inactivity (when the user is done and walks away this is the duration before the app will revert back to the original playlist set on the screen)

- Finally set the screens you wish to push this feature to (it can be multiple screens at once). This can be managed at any time and just like when editing a playlists content, updates will take 5 minutes to be sent to the live screen.

- Once you click save and enter your pin into your screen you will see a "Touch Here' button in the bottom right of the screen.

- Once this has been pressed the user will be taken to the website URL entered in the set up stage. 

- The user will be able to exit the web page URL by pressing the 'Close' button, that would then take them back to the original playlist.