Within NowSignage, we have a method for directly screen sharing the content from a PC directly to the NowSignage App, this method could be used to display internal URLs or dashboards.

For this method to work, we simply require a Windows PC connected on the same network as the screen/media player running the NowSignage Application.

You can then use a custom app we have created called "ScreenTask" which allows you to generate a screen share URL which can simply be pasted into NowSignage as a webpage. This will then stream exactly what is displayed on the Windows PC via screen share (so this can be used for internal programmes or dashboards). 

Steps to get this up and running:
  • Download the screen share application onto the PC you wish to screen share from via: https://cdn.nowsignage.com/screentask/v1.1/ScreenTask.zip
  • Uncompress the zip file
  • Execute the ScreenTask.exe file
  • Once the program starts click on "Start Server"
  • Once you have done this, the server should start and it should look similar to below: