Please note - If the proof of play feature is not available in your account, please contact and we will enable this.

Feature Compatible on:

Android: Version 3.0.1+

Windows, MAC, Linux: Version 0.4.7+

LG WebOS: Version 0.4.6+

BrightSign: Version 0.4.6+

Samsung Tizen: Version 0.4.6+

Activating Proof of Play:

1. Simply go into one of your NowSignage projects.

2. Go into 'Apps' area of the platform:

3. When you have entered the apps area, find the 'Proof of Play' app, click into this and activate the app.

Enabling Proof of Play on your screens:

1. Within the App, click into 'Settings'.

2. Now select the screens you wish to enable proof of play for (you can search for screens by name to select them individually, or click 'select all' to enable on all of your screens):

3. Once you are happy with your screen selection, click 'Save' and then proof of play will be activated. Analytics will be tracked from the moment you click the save button and start running the NowSignage application.

4. Please note - Analytics will only be tracked upon the point of entering the PIN number, so after following step 3, if you already have the app running, please exit the app and re-enter the PIN or reboot the screen/media player to allow the app to automatically reboot. Once this is done, it will send the signal to our platform to start tracking the proof of play analytics.