The hand-sanitizer app for NowSignage requires a version of the NowSignage for Android app that contains the text "-HandSanitizer" within the version name, e.g. "2.5.1-HandSanitizer".

Check your version of the Android app from the Android App list, found under Settings > Apps > NowSignage.

The Hand-Sanitizer APK can be downloaded by visiting the following link:

Note - Any videos uploaded into the platform must be uploaded in H264 to correctly display on the hand sanitiser hardware. See article -

Within the NowSignage account, add the "Hand Sanitizer" platform app found in the App Store and configure the settings. The platform app is now active for all projects within the account.

Then, install the NowSignage for Android app on any compatible device, and enter a screen PIN to set up the screen to send events to NowSignage. To install the APK, please refer to the Installing NowSignage guides found here.

Once the screen content loads, will report to the dashboard of events when they occur:

  • When the dispenser is triggered via the proximity sensor, we send a "dispense" notification.
  • When the dispensing bottle is removed from the unit, we send a "reset" notification.

The hardware simulates a standard computer keyboard when these events get sent to the Android OS, and as such, we recommend you avoid using digital signage content that can intercept these key-strokes such as Web Pages and other interactive content.