Accessible items through Power BI:
With the NowSignage Power BI integration, you are able to access the following items through the Power BI service:
1. Power BI Reports (It is possible to also filter by report section or report bookmark)
2. Power BI Dashboards
Permissions Required:
When connecting your Power BI account in NowSignage, you will need to consent to the following permissions:
Account Access Required:
The reports/dashboards you wish to display must be within a 'Workspace' in your Power BI account, it is not possible to access 'My Workspace' through the integration as this is a private workspace.
The user you connect within NowSignage either needs an Admin, Member or Contributor role within the workspace in order to add your reports/dashboard to NowSignage. Each workspace member needs a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license.
Guidance Around Embedded Tokens:
Please see the Microsoft Support page which provides guidance on how to determine your embed token capacity:
Pricing details can be found here (this is handled directly by Microsoft):
Once you have purchased a token capacity, you will need to assign the tokens to the workspace you are using within NowSignage:
For further information, please see the link below: