Inviting a user:

The following method applies to users with the ‘Account Owner’ or ‘Project Manager’ role. If you do not have the required permissions, please contact your Account Owner for assistance.

You can invite as many users as needed to your projects, whether you’d like them to manage your entire portfolio or limit their access to a specific project. However, due to GDPR regulations, NowSignage is unable to action user invitations on your behalf. All user invitations must be managed directly within your account.

To do this click on 'my account' which is located when clicking on your profile name in the top right corner:

In the top menu bar, click into 'Users and Roles', then click '+Add New User' to invite a new user to a project:

Now enter the name of the individual you want to invite, their company name and email address and select the role you want to give them. Once you press 'invite user' they will receive an automated email which will allow them to sign up to NowSignage. 

Assigning a user to a project:

After inviting a user to your account, any user with a permission level lower than 'Account Owner' will not have access to any projects by default. You will need to manually grant them access to the specific project(s) they need.

To do this, after inviting in the user, simply click on their name and use the sliders to grant or remove access to the relevant projects for that user:

When you are finished, just click on 'Update'


* Error Message - Username already exists - This means the user already has an account registered in the system. -To add them to a new project, they will need to be deleted. -- Please raise a support ticket to request the deletion of a user profile. Alternatively, and if the user account is active on another project, you can invite/add the user using a different email.

Further Reading - What Role should I assign to a user.